Effect of aspirin on heart attack risk

22,071 physicians served as subjects to study the effect of aspirin on the incidence of heart attacks. There were two groups:

At the end of the study, 189 in the placebo group and 104 of those who took aspirin had suffered a heart attack.

Does aspirin have a significant association with physicians suffering from a heart attack?

1. Create a contingency table for these data.

# data (quadrants a-d)
placebo_heart   = 189    # a: took placebo and heart attack
aspirin_heart   = 104    # b: took aspirin and heart attack
placebo_healthy = 10854  # c: took placebo and healthy
aspirin_healthy = 10924  # d: took aspirin and healthy
# placebo_healthy = placebo_total - placebo_heart
# aspirin_healthy = aspirin_total - aspirin_heart

placebo_total = 11043    # column 1 margin
aspirin_total = 11028    # column 2 margin

heart_total   = placebo_heart   + aspirin_heart    # row 1 margin
healthy_total = placebo_healthy + aspirin_healthy  # row 2 margin

# make the contingency table
Observed = rbind(c(placebo_heart,   aspirin_heart),
                 c(placebo_healthy, aspirin_healthy))
rownames(Observed) = c("Heart",  "Healthy")
colnames(Observed) = c("Placebo","Aspirin")

##         Placebo Aspirin
## Heart       189     104
## Healthy   10854   10924

2. Calculate the expected values for each group.

If there is no difference between groups, we expect the rate, i.e. the proportion, of heart attacks in the placebo and control groups to be independent:

\[ P(group \cap treatment) = P(group) * P(treatment) \]

The expected total probabilities for each group or treatment are just the marginal totals divided by N, the total number of subjects, i.e. \(P(group) = n_{group} / N\) and \(P(treatment) = n_{treatment} / N\).

To get the expected counts in each cell in the table, we then multiply the probabilities for each combination of group and treatment by the total number of subjects in the study: \(P(group) * P(treatment) * N\).

Note that an equivalent shortcut given the counts (which we already have from the raw data) would be to just multiply the marginal totals and divide by N, i.e. \(n_{group} * n_{treatment} / N\); both ways are written out below.

N = 22071  # total

# Expected counts = p(group) * p(treatment) * N
# placebo_heart_expected   = (placebo_total/N) * (heart_total/N)   * N
# aspirin_heart_expected   = (aspirin_total/N) * (heart_total/N)   * N
# placebo_healthy_expected = (placebo_total/N) * (healthy_total/N) * N
# aspirin_healthy_expected = (aspirin_total/N) * (healthy_total/N) * N

# Expected counts = n(group) * n(treatment) / N
placebo_heart_expected   = placebo_total * heart_total / N
aspirin_heart_expected   = aspirin_total * heart_total / N
placebo_healthy_expected = placebo_total * healthy_total / N
aspirin_healthy_expected = aspirin_total * healthy_total / N

# make the contingency table
Expected = rbind(c(placebo_heart_expected,   aspirin_heart_expected),
                 c(placebo_healthy_expected, aspirin_healthy_expected))
rownames(Expected) = c("Heart",  "Healthy")
colnames(Expected) = c("Placebo","Aspirin")

##            Placebo    Aspirin
## Heart     146.5996   146.4004
## Healthy 10896.4004 10881.5996

3. Calculate the \(X^2\) test statistic using observed and expected counts.

# chisq = sum(
#   (placebo_healthy - placebo_healthy_expected)**2 / placebo_healthy_expected + 
#   (placebo_heart   - placebo_heart_expected)**2   / placebo_heart_expected +
#   (aspirin_healthy - aspirin_healthy_expected)**2 / aspirin_healthy_expected +
#   (aspirin_heart   - aspirin_heart_expected)**2   / aspirin_heart_expected
# )
# chisq

# same, but much easier!
chisq = sum( abs(Observed - Expected)^2 / Expected)
## [1] 24.87352

4. Compute the \(p\)-value of the test statistic using the \(\chi^2\) CDF.

pchisq(chisq, df = 1, lower.tail = F)
## [1] 6.121763e-07

5. Calculate the \(p\)-value using the chisq.test() function.

Note that there is no alternative argument for this test. We cannot do a two-sided test because we are always looking for a positive value of the test statistic that is at least as, or more extreme than, the critical value of \(\chi_{df=1}^2\). The Chi-squared distribution is one-sided! So the alternative hypothesis can only be \(H_A: P(Obs) \ne P(Exp)\).

##  Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
## data:  Observed
## X-squared = 24.29, df = 1, p-value = 8.285e-07

6. Apply Yates’ continuity correction to your manual calculation of the \(X^2\) test statistic.

adj.chisq = sum( (abs(Observed - Expected) - 0.5)^2 / Expected)
## [1] 24.29034

7. Recalculate the \(p\)-value using pchisq().

pchisq(adj.chisq, df = 1, lower.tail = F)
## [1] 8.28534e-07

8. Why did we need to apply Yates’ correction?

# The normal distribution is a continuous approximation for discrete data and underestimates
# the p-value (i.e. overestimates the significance) without this correction.

9. Use a two-sample \(z\)-test to perform the same test.

##  2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
## data:  Observed
## X-squared = 24.29, df = 1, p-value = 8.285e-07
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.08973881 0.20357783
## sample estimates:
##    prop 1    prop 2 
## 0.6450512 0.4983929

10. How do the results compare?

# they are the same since they both use the normal approximation
# they just use a different formulation and different test statistic

Some notes on prop.test() vs. chisq.test():

  • The Chi-squared test can only test for one alternative hypothesis, \(H_A: p_{obs} \ne p_{exp}\).
  • The default for the prop.test() is to perform a two-sided test, and this is equivalent to the result of a Chi-squared test.
  • The prop.test() (\(z\)-test) can also perform one-sided tests, e.g. \(H_A: p_{obs} \gt p_{exp}\).
    • The \(p\)-value for a one-sided test is half as big as the \(p\)-value for a two-sided test (because \(1 - \alpha\) is now all on one side of a normal distribution).
# chi-squared vs. two-sided z-test
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
## data:  Observed
## X-squared = 24.29, df = 1, p-value = 8.285e-07
##  2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
## data:  Observed
## X-squared = 24.29, df = 1, p-value = 8.285e-07
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.08973881 0.20357783
## sample estimates:
##    prop 1    prop 2 
## 0.6450512 0.4983929
# one-sided z-test
prop.test(Observed, alternative = "greater")
##  2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
## data:  Observed
## X-squared = 24.29, df = 1, p-value = 4.143e-07
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.09861191 1.00000000
## sample estimates:
##    prop 1    prop 2 
## 0.6450512 0.4983929
chisq.test(Observed)$p.value / 2
## [1] 4.14267e-07