
Aho, Ex. 6.10 (also see Fig. 6.7)

Surprisingly, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is negatively associated with moderate smoking, possibly because nicotine may reduce apoptosis (programmed cell death) of neurons. The description of the problem is as follows:

What is the question?

Researchers were interested in being able to detect a 7% reduction in Alzheimer’s for patients smoking 10-20 cigarettes a day, given that \(\sigma=45\%\).

Is a sample size of 200 sufficient to detect this effect size given \(\alpha=0.05\)?

  • What are \(H_o\) and \(H_A\)?
  • Can we assume that the sampling distribution of the sample mean, \(\bar{X}\), is normal?
  • What type of test should we use?
  • What is the critical value for the test?
# your answer here

Manual power calculation

First, compute the power by hand:

# =================================================== #
# set up variables
# =================================================== #

effect.size =   # effect size = Exp(X) under H_A
n = 
sigma = 
alpha = 
type =  # one or two sample
alt =   # one- or two-sided

# set Exp(X) = 0 under null H_o

# critical value (z*) for lower-tail test at alpha=0.05
z.crit = 

# check alpha using standard normal distribution

# compute SEM for sample size
sem = 
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'sem' not found

# =================================================== #
# manual power calculation
# =================================================== #

# compute power using area under the curve for H_A

# get value of critical x at z.crit for H_A
# want P( X.bar  <= z.crit * sem)
# percent difference for lower-tail significance
x.crit =    # x-value at critical z-score 
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'x.crit' not found

# Expected X.bar (pop. mean) under H_A is (mu_o - mu_A): Exp(X) = -7
pwr =  
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'pwr' not found

# check z-score for H_A at expected power
   # alpha = P(X.bar <= -5.24)

Compute power in R

Given any 4 of the 5 variables that go into the power equation, we can use power.t.test() to compute the missing value. Since \(n\) is large, we could also use the power.z.test() command from the asbio package. These give slightly different results, as the \(t\)-test is a bit more conservative. (They also use different names for their arguments, and the objects the produce are also different.)

NOTE: Effect size used for these functions should be given as a positive number, otherwise these functions will not work as expected.

# ================================================== #
# provide expected effect size as a positive number
power.t.test(n, delta =  , sd =  , sig.level =  ,
             type= , alternative= , strict=T)
## Error in lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...): object 'n' not found
# note that arguments for this command differ
power.z.test(n, effect =  , sigma =  , 
             alpha =  , test= , strict=T)
## Warning in if (is.null(n) & test == "one.tail") {: the condition has length > 1
## and only the first element will be used
## Warning in if (is.null(n) & test == "two.tail") {: the condition has length > 1
## and only the first element will be used
## Error in qnorm(power): Non-numeric argument to mathematical function

What if you change different variables that influence power?

  • Increase effect size => increase power (reduce Type II error)
  • Increase sample size => increase power (reduce Type II error)
  • Raise \(\alpha\) => lower stringency (increase Type I error)

We can compute the new power by hand, or use the power.z.test() command:

# ================================================== #
# increase effect size
# ================================================== #
# what happens if E = -8? => increase power
# (keep alpha the same)

# ================================================== #
# increase sample size
# ================================================== #
# what if sample size = 300? => more power for same E
# (keep alpha the same)
n = 300

# get x-bar and SEM
sem = 
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'sem' not found
x.crit = 
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'x.crit' not found
# ================================================== #
# power

# ================================================== #
# relax stringency: raise alpha
# ================================================== #
# raising alpha increases Type I error
# what happens to power? => power goes down
alpha = 0.2
z.crit = 

# check alpha2 using standard normal distribution
## Error in pnorm(0, abs(z.crit), lower.tail = T): object 'z.crit' not found
x.crit = 
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'x.crit' not found
pwr = 
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'pwr' not found
# =================================================== #
# check power

# power is the same with the z-test power function

Design for a targeted power

What if you want to design the experiment for power = 0.8, for the same sample size and effect size? What is the Type II error? What happens to the Type I error?

# ================================================== #
# increase desired power to 0.8
# ================================================== #
# if raise desired power without increasing effect size,
#   => alpha goes up (less stringent)
x.bar2 = 
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'x.bar2' not found
# what significance level is this?
alpha2 = 
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'alpha2' not found
# probability

# what significance level is this?
alpha2 = 
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'alpha2' not found
# probability

# ================================================== #
# using power.t.test command
# now supply power and ask what new alpha is