So far we have learned about ANOVA and linear models, which we can use to predict quantitative outcomes using categorical and quantitative explanatory variables. Sometimes instead we wish to model qualitative outcomes using quantitative predictors. Examples could be:
These kinds of questions are classification problems, where we wish to predict the probability that \(Y\) belongs to a particular category given some data.
In cases like these, when we want to predict simple binary outcomes (or multiple categorical outcomes), simple linear models are not appropriate. Why is this?
Consider the following Default
dataset from Introduction to Statistical Learning, which contains credit card data for 10,000 individuals, including their incomes, balances, and student status.
Our question is: What is the overall probability of defaulting on credit card debt, given this dataset?
Figure 4.1 shows who defaulted on their debt (orange) vs. who didn’t (blue), based on data for their Income and Balance.
From these graphs we can quickly see that, overall, having a high balance is strongly associated with defaulting on credit card debt, whereas income doesn’t seem to be correlated at all.
Let’s take a look at this dataset, which comes with the package “ISLR”:
# take a look at the Default dataset
## default student balance income
## 1 No No 729.5265 44361.625
## 2 No Yes 817.1804 12106.135
## 3 No No 1073.5492 31767.139
## 4 No No 529.2506 35704.494
## 5 No No 785.6559 38463.496
## 6 No Yes 919.5885 7491.559
## default student balance income
## No :9667 No :7056 Min. : 0.0 Min. : 772
## Yes: 333 Yes:2944 1st Qu.: 481.7 1st Qu.:21340
## Median : 823.6 Median :34553
## Mean : 835.4 Mean :33517
## 3rd Qu.:1166.3 3rd Qu.:43808
## Max. :2654.3 Max. :73554
## 'data.frame': 10000 obs. of 4 variables:
## $ default: Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ student: Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 ...
## $ balance: num 730 817 1074 529 786 ...
## $ income : num 44362 12106 31767 35704 38463 ...
# what's the average default rate?
print(paste("Average default rate = ",sum(Default$default == "Yes")/nrow(Default)))
## [1] "Average default rate = 0.0333"
A linear model would produce something like this:
\[ \begin{aligned} Y &= \beta_o + \sum_{i=1}^{n}\beta_iX_i + \epsilon \\ &= \beta_o + \beta_1*income + \beta_2*balance + \epsilon \end{aligned} \]
The model may even contain some interaction terms if any of these variables are not independent from each other.
Say we to ask, “Does the chance of a credit card default depend on credit card balance? What is the probability of default given a particular balance?”
To use a linear model we could code the binary outcome with dummy variables as either 0 (no default) or 1 (default) and model a linear response. In R, we could write this as follows:
# linear model for default as a function of income and balance
lm.default =
## Error: <text>:3:0: unexpected end of input
## 1: # linear model for default as a function of income and balance
## 2: lm.default =
## ^
Oops! What went wrong? Let’s try again:
# linear model for default as a function of income and balance
lm.default =
# look at the model
## Error in summary(lm.default): object 'lm.default' not found
But there’s still a problem here. What is it?
Let’s look at the regression line for a linear model (Fig. 4.2, left).
The plot shows that linear regression will produce some estimates that fall outside of the range \([0,1]\), which doesn’t make sense if we are trying to predict the probability of a particular binary outcome.
Instead, we want a model that reliably outputs values between zero and one, as a function of the explanatory variables.
Logistic regression provides a natural way for us to do this (Fig. 4.2, right). Now we predict a probability close to \(0\) for a low balance and close to \(1\) for a high balance. The function produces an S-shaped curve, and gives the same average probability of default (\(0.033\)) as the linear model.
Logistic regression uses the logistic function to model the probability of a particular outcome \(Y\), given the data \(X\) – for example, the probability of default given a particular credit card balance. If we write this as \(Pr(Y=1|X)\) and use \(p(X)\) as a short-hand, then the logistic function, LOGIS(1,0), is:
\[ p(X) = Pr(Y=1|X) = \frac{e^{\beta_o + \beta_1X}}{1 + e^{\beta_o + \beta_1X}} = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-(\beta_o + \beta_1X)}}\] It can be seen that this equation ranges from 0 to 1, as desired. The probability is very close to 1 when the exponent \((\beta_o + \beta_1X)\) is really big, and is close to 0 when it is very small, since one of the terms becomes negligible in either case.
The logistic function is rather complicated to compute, since it is not linear, so it would be great if we can transform this expression into something a little easier to handle. Enter our old friend, Odds!
Rearranging the terms above gives the odds for \(p(X)\):
\[ Odds = \frac{p(X)}{1-p(X)} = \frac{\#\ of\ successes}{\#\ of\ failures}= e^{\beta_o + \beta_1X}\]
What is the range of the Odds function?
When the probability is really small, the Odds are close to 0, whereas when the probability is really high (close to 1), we can see that the Odds will balloon to a very large number. So the Odds can can take on any value between \(0\) and \(\infty\).
Odds are commonly used in betting games such as horse racing, where people are interested in the odds of their favorite horse winning (the numerator) vs. losing (the denominator). The odds of success are 1 (1 to 1, i.e. 1:1) when \(p = 1/2\), meaning that the horse is expected to win one out of every two races. When \(p=0.9\), the odds are 9 (9 to 1, or 9:1). For the bank default dataset, Odds = 9 would mean that 9 out of 10 people with a particular balance will default.
Thought question for the bank default example: What does \(p = 0.2\) mean? What are the odds?
With the expression above, we now have something that can easily be transformed into a linear function by taking the log of both sides. This is called the log-odds or logit function:
\[ Log\ odds = logit(p(X)) = log\bigg( \frac{p(X)}{1 - p(X)} \bigg) = log(p(X)) - log(1 - p(X)) = \beta_o + \beta_1X \]
So now we have transformed a non-linear function of \(X\) into a linear relationship, which greatly simplifies the math required to solve for \(p(X)\).
What is the range of the logit function?
Since \(0 \le p(X) \le 1\), the range is \((-\infty, \infty)\), exclusive (because log(0) is undefined, and 1/0 is also undefined).
To estimate the coefficients \(\beta_o\) and \(\beta_1\), which are unknown, instead of using the method of least squares, a more general method called maximum likelihood (ML) is used. In fact, it turns out that the least squares approach used in linear regression is a special case of ML.
The intuition behind ML is that it seeks to find coefficients for the logistic function such that the predicted outcome for each individual, \(\hat{p}(x_i)\), most closely matches the observed data. For the credit card default example, this means that the predicted probability of default should be close to 1 for all of the individuals who did default, and it should be close to 0 for all of those who did not.
Mathematically, we do this by finding the coefficients that maximize the likelihood function:
\[ \ell(\beta_o,\beta_1) = \prod_{i:y_i=1}p(x_i) \prod_{i':y_{i'}=0}(1-p(x_{i'}))\]
We want the first term to be big when the actual outcomes are 1 (\(y_i=1 | x_i\)), and at the same time we want the second term to be big when they are 0 (\(y_i=0 | x_i\)). Coefficients that maximize this likelihood will provide the best estimates for the model.
Notice that taking the log of the likelihood function will give a linear function in \(p(x)\), called the joint log (conditional) likelihood:
\[LCL = \log[\ell(\beta_o,\beta_1)] = \sum_{i:y_i=1}{\log p(x_i)} + \sum_{i':y_{i'}=o}{\log (1-p(x_{i'}))}\] This has the same form as the log-odds above, and is in fact the form that is used to solve for the coefficients \(\beta_o\) and \(\beta_1\). Maximizing this value for each \(x_i\) will give the optimal values for the coefficients in the equation for the logit function.
Once the coefficients \(\beta_o\) and \(\beta_1\) have been found, they can be used to solve for the predicted probability \(\hat{Y} = \hat{p}(X)\) of an outcome of interest (here, credit card default) for any value of \(X\) by plugging them back into the equation above for \(p(X)\):
\[\hat{Y} = \frac{e^{log-odds(\hat{Y})}}{1 + e^{log-odds(\hat{Y})}} = \frac{e^{\hat{\beta_o} + \hat{\beta_1}X}}{1 + e^{\hat{\beta_o} + \hat{\beta_1}X}}\]
This gets us back to a range of 0 to 1 for the predicted probability \(p(X) = Pr[Y=1 | X]\).
Going back to our “Default” dataset, we can see that the probability of default given a balance of $1,000 is 0.6%, whereas for a balance of $2,000 the probability is 59% (see Fig. 4.2).
We can create a logistic model for these data in R using the glm()
function, which stands for general linear model.
and lm
is that you also need to specify a link function.We can test different models using Income, Balance, or both:
# income on its own
# balance on its own
# both income and balance
The models provide a \(z\)-statistic, which is analagous to a \(t\)-statistic for linear regression. How do these different predictors perform based on the \(z\)-statistic?
It is also possible to use logistic regression to model a binary response to qualitative (categorical) predictors. For example, if we want to find the probability of default given the status of “student”, we can code the status using a dummy variable (1 = student; 0 = non-student) and model the probability of default using logistic regression.
Let’s try this out for the student variable. First, what is the default rate for students vs. non-students?
# default rate for students
sum(Default$student == "Yes" & Default$default == "Yes" ) / sum(Default$student == "Yes")
## [1] 0.04313859
sum(Default$student == "No" & Default$default == "Yes" ) / sum(Default$student == "No")
## [1] 0.02919501
OK, so we see that students have a slightly higher default rate overall than non-students, but it’s still pretty low.
Now let’s see if student status is significantly correlated with defaulting on credit card debt:
# model default using student, as a numeric
summary(glm(default ~ , data = Default, family = "binomial"))
# what if we just use the original data frame with Yes / No?
summary(glm(default ~ , data = Default, family = "binomial"))
# recode student status as 0/1
my.default = Default
my.default = my.default %>%
# model default using recoded student as 0/1
summary(glm(default ~ , data = , family = "binomial"))
## Error: <text>:2:24: unexpected ','
## 1: # model default using student, as a numeric
## 2: summary(glm(default ~ ,
## ^
Based on this model, we see that the \(z\)-score = 3.52 and \(p\)-value = 0.0004 (also shown in ISL Table 4.2). Is student status significantly associated with “default = Yes”?
Yes it is! And, the coefficient is positive, indicating that students generally have a higher rate of credit card default than do non-students (though as we found above, the overall rate is still low, around 4.3% vs. 2.9% for non-students).
Note: Extending the model to qualitative predictors with more than two states is problematic for categorical data, which have no intrinsic quantitative relationship. If ordinal data can be represented using constant intervals, these can be used as pseudo-quantitative variables.
Just like wtih linear regression, logistic regression can be extended to model a binary outcome using any number of predictors \(X = (X_1, X_2, ... X_p)\):
\[ log\bigg( \frac{p(X)}{1 - p(X)} \bigg) = \beta_o + \beta_1X + ... + \beta_pX_p\] The coefficients for the model are estimated using maximum likelihood, as above.
Let’s use multiple regression to model the contributions of all the variables in the Default dataset at the same time:
# full model
summary(glm(default ~ , data = Default, family = "binomial"))
## Error: <text>:2:24: unexpected ','
## 1: # full model
## 2: summary(glm(default ~ ,
## ^
Now what do we see in comparison to the previous models?
Clearly, “balance” and “student” are both significant predictors for “default”: \(p(balance) = < 2e-16\) and \(p(student) = 0.0062\) (ISL Table 4.3).
However, looking at these results we also notice that a strange thing has happened: instead of the coefficient for student being positive, it is now negative! How can this be?
As it turns out, “balance” and “student” are correlated (Fig. 4.3, right panel).
Confounding variables
In the left-hand panel, we see that students have a higher overall rate of default (dashed lines) – hence the positive \(z\)-score in the simple regression model. However, for the same amount of debt, students are less likely to default than non-students (solid lines) – hence the negative \(z\)-statistic in the multiple regression model.
Thus, students tend to have higher debt overall, which is associated with higher default rates, but for any given level of debt, they are less likely to default than their non-student peers.
What do we predict as the default rate for people with $40k income and different rates of debt, given student status?
# full model
glm.default = glm(default ~ , data = Default, family = "binomial")
# shortcut for "use all predictors"
# glm.default = glm(default ~ , data = Default, family = "binomial")
# summary(glm.default)
# make new predictions for income = $40k = data.frame(student = c("Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "No", "No", "No"),
income = c(rep(40000,6)),
balance = c(1000, 1500, 2000, 1000, 1500, 2000),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
# estimated default rate (% predicted to default)
glm.predict = predict( , newdata = , type = "response")
## Error: <text>:2:30: unexpected ','
## 1: # full model
## 2: glm.default = glm(default ~ ,
## ^
From this we can see that for a debt of $1500 (and income being equal), we would predict that non-students will default at a rate of around 10.5%, whereas students would default only around 5.8% of the time. Go students! ;-)
Since income doesn’t seem to be a big contributing factor, we could also do the analysis without just the other two terms alone:
# ignore income for now -- not that useful
glm.default2 = glm(default ~ , data = Default, family = "binomial")
# make new predictions for default given student status and balance
# = data.frame(student = c("Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "No", "No", "No"),
# balance = c(1000, 1500, 2000, 1000, 1500, 2000),
# stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
# estimated default rate (% predicted to default)
glm.predict2 = predict( , newdata =, type = "response")
## Error: <text>:2:31: unexpected ','
## 1: # ignore income for now -- not that useful
## 2: glm.default2 = glm(default ~ ,
## ^
The results are very similar.
GLMs provide a framework for formulating a variety of linear and non-linear relationships between response variables \(Y\) and predictors \(X\). Both linear models and logistic models may be considered special cases of GLMs.
Linear models make two assumptions that GLMs do not: a linear association between \(X\) and \(Y\), and normal error distributions. GLMs handle cases where these assumptions do not apply. The two components of GLMs that distinguish them from simpler linear models are:
Does the likelihood function above look familiar? Remember the binomial distribution? Logistic regression belongs to a family of binomial GLMs where the outcomes are dichotomous (i.e. binomial). Logistic regression has a binomial response distribution provided by the logit function, \(p=log[p/(1-p)]\).
In R, logistic regression is performed using the glm
function, specifying family=binomial("logit")
, or simply family="binomial"
(which defaults to the logit function).
GLMs allow a variety of error term distributions to be specified. The three most common are normal, binomial, and Poisson. Poisson GLMs are often applied when the response variable is count data. The Poisson link function is \(log \lambda\), where \(\lambda\) is the Poisson mean. Common family specifications are:
– However, these are handled more efficiently by lm
, which is preferred for linear models.“Success” in prediction is typically referred to as a “positive” outcome, and vice versa. There is always a trade-off between
Sensitivity is same as power, or the proportion of predicted positives that are actually positive, \(TPR = TP/P = 1 - FN/P = 1 - Type\ II\ error\). In other words, the ability to detect a positive when one exists.
Specificity gives a measure of how selective the process is, i.e. the ability to identify a negative when there actually is one. It the same as the True Negative Rate: \(Specificity = TNR = \frac{TN}{N}\) (and hence, \(FPR = 1 - Specificity = 1 - TPR\), since \(TN + FP = N\)).
The different combinations of possible outcomes can get confusing. Table 4.7 from ISLR lists various synonyms you will see for terms related to classification.
Synonyms related to classification (P* and N* are predicted positives and negatives)
Another common relationship you will hear about is the tradeoff between precision and recall. Precision represents the proportion of true positives among predicted positives, whereas recall is the actual proportion of true positives that exist. Other useful measures include Accuracy, defined as \(\frac{TP + TN}{P + N} = \frac{TP + TN}{(TP + FP) + (TN + FN)}\).
An expanded set of common terms is summarized in the colorful confusion matrix below1. We will talk more about the False Discovery Rate (FDR) when we get to multiple hypothesis testing.
Confustion matrix
A diagram called the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve can be used to assess the efficacy of a GLM (Figure 4.8). The ROC plots the True positive rate (sensitivity) vs. False-positive rate (1-specificity) for all possible values.
The AUC, or area under the curve, will be a diagonal on this plot if the classification is no better than random. A model where the explanatory variables are very good at predicting outcomes will push the curve toward the top left-hand corner.
## AUC 0.3.0
## Type AUCNews() to see the change log and ?AUC to get an overview.
# predict the data using the model
pred.default = predict(glm.default, newdata = Default, type="response")
## Error in predict(glm.default, newdata = Default, type = "response"): object 'glm.default' not found
# make the ROC model
roc.default =
#plot ROC
# what is the area under the curve?
# compare with reduced model
pred.default2 = predict(glm.default2, newdata = Default, type="response")
## Error in predict(glm.default2, newdata = Default, type = "response"): object 'glm.default2' not found
roc.default2 = roc(pred.default2, Default$default)
## Error in order(predictions, decreasing = TRUE): object 'pred.default2' not found
## Error in plot(roc.default2): object 'roc.default2' not found
## Error in auc(roc.default2): object 'roc.default2' not found
There are additional tests to evaluate and compare models that we will use in the exercise and homework.
We can also make predictions for the Default example using another method called Linear Discriminant Analysis.
ROC Curve: higher area under the curve (AUC) indicates better predictive power
In contrast to logistic regression, which models \(Pr(Y=k|X=x)\) directly, LDA first models the distribution of predictors \(X\) in each response class \(Y\), and then flips these around using Bayes’ theorem to obtain estimates for \(Pr(Y=k|X=x)\).
LDA is a better choice than logistic regression under some conditions. However, LDA assumes that independent variables are normally distributed, whereas logistic regression does not. It is similar to Principal Components Analysis, which we will discuss later.
Logistic regression may be extended to multiple classes, but other methods like LDA are preferred for multiple-class classification. LDA has better statistical properties (more stable estimators) when classes are well separated, or if \(n\) is small and the distribution of predictors is approximately normal in each class.
We will see how all these concepts fit together using a variety of factors to predict the probability of surviving breast cancer.